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Click Here for Money Saving Coupons Fed up with Windows? Think an Apple computer is what the doctor ordered? We can help you with that decision for free- Give us a call! We Love APPLE Computers!!! Microsoft Partner This site requires Adobe Reader Now Accepting: FREE TECH ADVICE!!! Certified Constant ConstantTrainer | Removing Personal Data From Computers Before for Recycling Before recycling computers, cell phones, eReaders, tablets or any other electronic device, removing your personal data is necessary for your security. Accounts you set up to access iTunes or eBay may still be active so that the new owner of your electronic device can access your account with your credit card information. There are two methods we offer for you to secure data from old devices:
Once you device is secure, High Tech House Calls can recycling your equipment legally or help you sell it through eBay or other buyer/seller websites.
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